The membership year begins on October 1 and runs through September 30 of the following calendar year.

Members are given a grace period until the end of January before their previous-year Membership benefits expire.

Returning members, have you paid your dues yet?

Individual membership (newsletter, sheet music, discounts):


Family membership (newsletter, sheet music, family discounts):


(Ask about international rates)

To join online, or renew your membership, you can visit our Webstore, or do it in the quick-link below:

Membership Options
Would you like to be listed in a directory available to members?
Membership year?
Which instruments do you play?
Additional Gift/Family Members

Otherwise, print and fill out this membership form, along with a check payable to the Potomac Valley Scottish Fiddle Club, and either bring them to a Fiddle Club meeting, or mail them to:

Peter Walker
PVSFC Membership Chair
6621 Elk Park ct
Alexandria, VA 22310

membership (at)

If you're already a member and just need to update your membership information, click the following button to fill out a webform and mail it to us. Note: this will not renew your membership.

Website problem?
Email the webmaster at